A fantastic piece of outdoor gear, perfect for staying warm and mobile during chilly activities like climbing. The brushed interior for warmth and stretchy fabric for mobility make it a versatile choice for cold-weather adventures. The balaclava feature is a nice addition for added protection.
- Material: Stretch CLIMAPLUS® (47% nylon 36% polyester 17% polyurethane)
- Weight: 326 g
- Color: Navy (NV)
- Size: S, M, L, XL ()
Style #1106734
Actual color may vary
- Stretch CLIMAPLUS® is highly breathable and maintains mobility
- Smooth face easily slides under other layers
- Backside of fabric is brushed to retain warmth
- Flat Seam Technology eliminates bulk along seams and promotes a smoother touch
- Thumb hole brings coverage and warmth over the back of the hand
- Slant-Tec Cuff provides stretch even when pulled up to your forearms
- High neck and hood work as a balaclava
- Zip End Guard protects your chin and face
- 3 zippered pockets (1 chest pocket, 2 hand pockets)
Technical Systems
4-way Stretch: Made of a material that has vertical and horizontal stretch. Excellent mobility for intense activities.
Face Guard Zip: A flap protects your chin and face from direct contact with the zipper.
A unique blend of polyester (92%) and polyurethane (8%) fibers result in a highly breathable fleece that is soft to the touch, yet cradles you with ultra supportive 4-way stretch.Stretch CLIMAPLUS is suited to aerobic activities that require the warmth of mid-weight insulation in combination with complete freedom of movement.
Material Information (38-131)
This product is made using a material that has an excellent ability to stretch. Due to the material's construction, in some situations it can be damaged by friction. Avoid contact with high friction surfaces such as Velcro or nylon straps.
Care Information
Washing Instructions
- Machine wash / Cold / Gentle or delicate
- Do not bleach
- Tumble dry / Normal / Low heat
- Usually added to line or drip dry / Dry away from direct sunlight
- Do not iron
- Do not dryclean
- Wet cleaning / Normal process